It is important to immediately fix a crack in your windshield before it spreads. A windshield crack is not only annoying but it can also reduce visibility. More importantly, a large crack can prevent the windshield from providing adequate protection during an accident. It is important to remember that most state inspection facilities will fail a vehicle with windshield cracks in certain areas that are too large. The information below will help you repair a crack in your windshield before it spreads.

Assess the Damage

The first thing you should do is evaluate the damage to see if you can perform the repair or if replacement is required. In general, if the crack is more than 12 inches long or half an inch wide, the windshield should be replaced. Also, if the windshield crack has existed for a long period of time, the windshield should be replaced. Regardless of the size of the crack, extreme conditions should be avoided to prevent further damage until a permanent repair is accomplished. This includes car washes.

Clear Tape

The key to preventing a crack from spreading is to stop stressors such as dirt, water, and other debris from entering the damaged area. Clear tape can be used to protect the crack under normal driving conditions. the tape will not hold up during car washes or other extreme conditions. This is considered a quick temporary fix until you can see a professional or perform a more permanent repair.

Buy a Windshield Repair Kit

If your windshield can be repaired, this is probably your best option because the materials are designed to repair cracks. A high-quality kit will be comparable to the materials that a professional would use. The kit can be found online or at your local parts store. The kit utilizes a special resin that is injected into the crack with an adapter. The resin is designed to seal the crack from environmental conditions, minimize stress, and stop further spreading.

Super Glue

Super glue can be used instead of a repair kit if the crack is small enough. The glue should be carefully squeezed into the track and spread out evenly. This should bond the crack and prevent it from spreading.

Nail Polish

Clear nail polish can also be used to repair some cracks. The crack and surrounding areas should be thoroughly cleaned first. The polish should then be liberally applied to the inside and outside of the crack. It is also a good idea to apply polish in areas that the crack could spread. It is important to remember that super glue and nail polish are only temporary repairs until you can have a professional assess the damage.


Whenever possible, you should park in a shaded area, covered spaces, or in a garage to limit exposure to heat which can make the windshield crack bigger. A covered space or garage can prevent exposure to rain, snow, ice, wind and other environmental conditions that could negatively affect the crack.

Hire a Professional

If during your assessment you feel that you are unable to make the repairs or that the crack is too large, a professional should be contacted immediately. It is much easier and cheaper for a professional to repair a small crack.