The Best Auto Glass Miami has to Offer
November 10th, 2017
auto glass miami
Auto Glass Miami
One of the most important parts of your vehicle is also one of the most overlooked parts. Ironically, it is also probably the part you look at most often. As you might have guessed, that part is the windshield. Really, the only time you notice your windshield is when it’s either excessively dirty, or it starts to develop a crack. While we’re not a car wash to assist you with your dirty windshield, if you have a crack that’s blocking your view, for auto glass Miami, be sure to check out Auto Glass Company.
While we always stand ready to provide Miami auto glass replacement, we also want you to be able to take care of your vehicle’s windshield so that cracks, both large and small, are much less likely to occur.
Here are some tips for proper care of your vehicle’s glass:
1) Avoid the sun. While not always possible, of course, do your best to keep your vehicle out of direct sunlight. Even with upscale cars featuring premium auto glass Miami, the sun can do a number on all your car’s windows. That’s because, although it may seem like a hard, impervious material, the materials in glass actually change quite dramatically, depending on the temperatures they are exposed to. The constant extreme expanding and contracting can lead to tiny nicks becoming big cracks that require new auto glass Miami.
2) Keep your distance. Every car, no matter how big, can throw up rocks from the road. If you’re following another car too closely, your windshield could be the recipient of one of those rocks, leading to you needing auto glass repair Miami. By increasing your following distance, you ensure that any rocks tossed up won’t hit your windshield, and also lessen your risk of rear-ending the vehicle in front of you in the event of a sudden stop. If you do get hit by a rock, the rocks launched by most vehicles will be small, causing only a small nick, and in that case we provide the best auto glass repair Miami FL.
3) Keep it safe. Since glass is such a fluid material, even small changes can have big effects. Another way to prevent major cracks in your windshield is to use auto glass protectant. These products allow water to quickly run off of the windshield, instead of remaining on the windshield for long periods of time. Standing water can not only cause water spotting and etching from the acid rain that falls locally, but can also seep into hairline cracks and nicks, thus causing them to increase in size. In addition to superior auto glass Miami, we can recommend the best products to keep your windshield safe in even the fiercest rain.
4) Keep it squeaky clean. Speaking of acid rain, another way to protect your windshield is to keep it completely clean. If chemicals from rain or other industrial fallout remain on the windshield surface for prolonged periods, they can actually eat into the glass, thus weakening it, and making it more prone to nicks and cracks. Of course, a good wash begins with a thorough wash of your entire car, but you also need to go back over your windshield and other vehicle glass with specialized glass cleaning products to ensure nothing harmful remains on the surface of the glass.
5) Wipe it well. There’s nothing worse than the awful squeaks and screeches coming from a pair of worn-out wiper blades on a windshield. Not only is the sound unpleasant, but the worn out blades are also damaging to your windshield. When it comes to auto glass Miami, it is certainly exposed to plenty of rain, and therefore lots of wipes from the wiper blades. Typically, you should be replacing your blades every six months to a year, however, if you notice that they’re starting to squeak before this time, go ahead and replace them before they cause issues. In addition to auto glass replacement Miami, we can recommend and install the best wiper blades for your specific vehicle.
6) Shut with caution. Whether you’re in a hurry or fuming mad, slamming your car door is an emphatic statement of your frustration. For your windshield and other vehicle glass, though, this is one of the worst things you can do. All it will ultimately do is lead to you needing new auto glass Miami Florida. Again, because of the unique properties of glass, when it is placed under high force or pressure, it can change shape. If you could record a windshield with a high speed camera when a door is slammed, you would actually see it rippling slightly. This rippling is part of the design of auto glass, as it is much preferable for the glass to ripple than to shatter. Over time, however, this repeated rippling can weaken the glass, and lead to the quick growth of cracks. If you’re feeling upset as you get into your car, just slow down, take a deep breath, and then open the door. Not only will it benefit your glass, but you’ll be a safer driver by allowing yourself to calm down before you take off.
7) Clean it right. As previously mentioned, keeping your car’s glass clean is one of the best ways to ensure it lasts for a long time. When cleaning it, however, you need to make sure to avoid ammonia-based cleaners. For auto glass Miami, which is best when tinted, ammonia-based cleaners can destroy the tint. While a ruined tint job might not require replacement, it will result in an expensive and unnecessary re-application of the tinting material. Save yourself some time and frustration, and use only those cleaners specifically formulated for auto glass. Additionally, use soft, preferably microfiber or cotton towels to dry your vehicle’s windows. Don’t use paper towels, bath towels, or the doilies your grandma crocheted for you. These materials can scratch the glass, leading to a distorted view in the bright Miami sun, and making you less safe as the sun sets for the day.
8) Remember, it’s still glass. For all the durability of modern vehicle windshields, it’s important to remember that, ultimately, it’s still made of glass. While it is tempered glass, and unlikely to shatter should a large force act upon it, it can still break. On a rainy day, if you quickly get in your car, make absolutely sure your umbrella is completely closed. If it’s not, and you have the type which opens by itself, the umbrella could spring open, thus breaking the windshield, and calling for immediate new auto glass Miami. It may cause you to get hit with a few more raindrops, but ensuring your umbrella is totally closed before you get in your car can save you a lot of money.
9) Repair nicks and chips before they have a chance to grow. For auto glass Miami, it can certainly be tempting to ignore a small nick in your windshield. After all, it can be time-consuming and expensive to have your windshield fixed, right? At our company, we highly encourage you to repair your auto glass Miami as soon as you notice a nick or chip. Our commitment to customer service ensures you will receive the best, most fair pricing, and will come out ahead if you take care of any issues before they have a chance to become worse. Plus, we can come to your home or office to perform repairs, so you don’t have to waste a single moment.
10) Trust the pros. Auto glass Miami is a large industry, with many players. Our commitment to your satisfaction means we are reliable, showing up when we say we will, it means our results are guaranteed, and it means we utilize only the most highly-trained professionals using the most cutting-edge techniques for auto glass Miami. We are a small business, and treat each of our customers as people, not a number. We will listen to your needs and concerns, and enact the best course of action for your specific situation. Don’t go to a place for auto glass Miami that doesn’t care about you, isn’t established, and isn’t committed to your satisfaction. You owe it to yourself and your family’s safety to choose experienced professionals who will fix your glass right the first time.
In short, the best course of action for replacing your windshield is to not need replacement at all. Utilizing these easy, but important tips, you can be sure you’ve done all you can to extend the life of your windshield. For all the best preparation, though, the unexpected still occurs from time to time. A larger rock can get thrown up from a car, you might park in a parking lot that offers no shade for your car, or an angry friend or relative might slam your car door.
When that happens, trust the professionals at our company to provide you with unparalleled results that will exceed your expectations from day one. We appreciate the opportunity to serve you, and hope you learned a tip or two that will allow you to take better care of your car.